If you’re a homeowner who is serious about using your hearth appliance to efficiently heat your home and lower your home-heating bills, FireSide Hearth & Home has the perfect line of fireplace inserts and heating stoves for you: Quadra-Fire. Quadra-Fire stoves feature state-of-the-art hearth technology meant to deliver as much heat as possible from your fuel. All the while helping you to maintain the ideal temperature in your home and save on energy costs. Here’s a look at the cutting-edge technology Quadra-Fire has to offer:
Patented Four-Point Burn System
Quadra-Fire’s signature technology is its patented four-point burn system. All Quadra-Fire stoves and fireplaces feature four separate burn zones that are intended to create the most efficient fire possible. That is, a fire that provides as much heat as possible while burning up fire byproducts, like smoke, creosote, and particulate matter. With the four-point burn system, the primary burn zone feeds air into the base of the fireplace to fuel the fire. The secondary burn zone keeps air circulating in the front of the fireplace to continually fan the fire. The tertiary burn zone is at the top of the firebox, providing superheated air downward to eliminate impurities. A final burn zone is hidden above the firebox. It burns that last of the smoke and pollution put off by the fireplace for an incredibly clean burn.
Automatic Combustion Control
With Automatic Combustion Control technology, your Quadra-Fire heating appliance can sense when your fire needs more air to help it thrive, and when less air can be used to decrease the intensity of the burn. One mechanism provides more air to the fire when it’s ignited and steadily reduces that extra air once the fire is burning. A second mechanism increases and reduces the air flow throughout the life of the fire to keep a consistent burn level, and temperature, within the firebox.
FireBrick Technology
While all fireplaces contain firebricks to insulate the firebox and radiate heat, Quadra-Fire has gone beyond the norm to create its own patented FireBrick technology. With Quadra-Fire firebricks, up to 25 percent more heat is radiated from the firebrick to help you capture more of the heat energy from your fire.
IntelliFire Ignition System
For its gas fireplaces, Quadra-Fire offers IntelliFire Ignition. Rather than running a constant pilot light that wastes fuel, the IntelliFire systems offer an intermittent pilot light that can save as much as $10 a month on natural gas.
Advanced Energy Technology
Quadra-Fire pellet stoves and inserts are among the most sophisticated systems available. With Advanced Energy technology, a thermostat monitors the temperature of the room to adjust the operation of your pellet stove. The thermostat also will cue automatic emptying of the firebox into the ash pan and signal you when fuel levels are low. With Quadra-Fire pellet stoves, you can even burn corn or wheat, and your thermostat will adjust your pellet stove’s operation for maximum efficiency.
If you’re ready to get more from your hearth with a Quadra-Fire appliance, stop by one of FireSide Hearth & Home’s four showrooms today! You can view our lineup of Quadra-Fire appliances and have all of your questions answered by one of our hearth experts.