One fireplace accessory comes with a host a benefits, and it is probably one you haven’t given much thought to: Tempered glass fireplace doors. Many open-hearth fireplaces are constructed without fireplace doors. Others have cheaply made fireplace doors that can only be closed when the fireplace isn’t in use. Plus, they do little to benefit your fireplace or your home’s efficiency. If your fireplace lacks doors, you should be considering them for several reasons.
Glass doors improve fireplace efficiency.
Open-hearth fireplaces are notoriously inefficient. They send up to 90 percent of a fire’s heat up the chimney. In addition, they draw in warm air from the home to fuel the fire. Tempered glass fireplace doors can double the efficiency of an open-hearth fireplace. They regulate the amount of air that’s drawn into the fireplace, while still radiating out the fireplace’s heat. They also block sudden downdrafts from filling your home with cold air and smoke.
Glass doors keep the heat in and drafts out.
When it comes to home-heating, chimneys often are likened to open windows. When the fireplace isn’t in use, even with the damper closed, drafts find their way in. Afterwards, warm air rises up and out of your home through the chimney opening. A good set of glass fireplace doors can close the open window of your chimney! The doors can block downdrafts from adding a chill from your home. Plus, it can keep the warm air from your home’s living space from traveling into the firebox and out the chimney.
Glass doors increase fireplace safety.
Open-hearth fireplaces come with some dangers. Embers that jump from the fireplace can burn people or pets sitting nearby. Also, they can singe or ignite nearby rugs, furniture or décor. Glass fireplace doors put a barrier between the fire and your home, your family, and your pets. They also keep embers and crackling logs safely in the firebox. However, you should warn children that the doors do pose a burn hazard. Also, small children and pets should be kept well away from the hearth, even when glass doors are in place.
New glass doors can upgrade the look of your fireplace.
Let’s face it: Fireplaces can seem dated. If you have an older open-hearth fireplace, especially one with a cheaper set of glass doors, it can make your hearth look old and outdated. Quality, tempered glass doors can help! New glass doors can upgrade the look of your fireplace, refreshing your hearth and your home. This will once again make your fireplace a beautiful focal point.
If you are ready to increase your fireplace’s efficiency and safety, and enhance the look of your fireplace with glass doors, visit one of the FireSide Hearth & Home showroom today! We carry glass fireplace doors from the industry’s best companies. Our styles range from traditional to contemporary. You’re sure to find a glass door that fits your home’s style and your fireplace needs.